JetFuel in the Morning

Highs and Lows of working with your partner

Lindsey Gamell Season 2 Episode 5

Ever wondered what its like to work side-by-side with your significant other in a high-stakes industry like aviation? In this episode we chat with a power couple who not only share a life but also a passion for the aviation industry and entrepreneurship. They dive into the challenges of collaboration, setting boundaries, communication, delegation and balancing personal and professional dynamics.  From balancing egos to navigating tricky schedules, they share their insights, struggles, and tips for making it work both in the air, in the office and at home.

For more information on Scott Yoak and the Quicksilver P51, click here:
Quicksilver Mustang



Intro Music:

Music from #Uppbeat

License code: 1KLDTWMQSPZY3VMM



Ending Music:

Music from #Uppbeat

License code: AV2WQ1QY5WAIPIBJ


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